Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Past Relationship

I can say that my past relationship was actually good, I'm mean we never argued, fought, or even screamed at each other. We went places and done things we even talked about the future. Time past and I met up with an old friend, He was my best friend. We tried talking a couple of times. But it didn't turn out as i thought it would be. We experienced a few drama scene's, but we found out that it was not ment to be. Later own more years past and i was still with my boyfriend. We said we were going to get us a house together, it was going great. But again you know who came back and this time he begged me to talk to him. He told me to give him one more chance and if it didn't work out this time, then we could just be friends. For some reason it was a shock to me that he would even do something like this. But some where in my hurt i had this strange feeling that maybe this time, we would really have a chance. So i dropped my boyfriend, I know i sounds crazy, but this felt like something i had to do. Now our relationship is stronger then ever. Sometime i feel like i did him wrong, but if i would'nt have changed, I would'nt have all these amazing things happen to me.

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